Served by a summons with no credit card contract copy
attached? In cases where in junk buyers file complaints to old delinquent
debtors, they fail to provide a copy of the original contract (these documents
are not turned over to them by the original creditor) and instead, come up with
a vague affidavit to build their case. Make sure to check before you create a response to summons.
It is within your rights to demand a copy of the original
credit card agreement as proof that the debt in question is truly yours. If you
received a summons and the necessary documents are not attached with the
complaint, you can file a Motion to Dismiss the case in Lieu of an Answer. The
plaintiff is then given 60 days to produce said documents.
Before the given period is up, your creditor will file all
credit card statement issued to you. If this happens, you need to check the
Customer Agreement over and check the Copyright date. If you see any
discrepancies, you can file a Motion to Strike the Agreement as being
irrelevant and win your case.
When creating a response to summons, you need to check
whether the statements are accurate. There are cases wherein the junk debt
buyers will attach fabricated or altered credit card statements. See if these
credit card statements have the original creditor and your account number listed
on them. Are these statements copies of the original statements or are they the
original statements?

Any error on the Customer Agreement could spell victory so make
sure things are in order before you craft your own response to summons. Note
that the Customer Agreement preside over your entire account. This is what you
agreed over when you opened your credit card account and from here, you will
learn exactly what you are being sued for. It is important to check of the
Customer Agreement and make sure that the date coincides with the year you
opened the account with the original creditor.
The plaintiff will have to prove that you own the debt and
produce real assignment and not fabricated nonsense made up to trick you into
paying the debt in question. The assignment must come from the original
creditor who sold the debt to them and the original creditor must sign any
documents they claim were from the original creditor.
This just goes to show that presenting credit card statement
is not enough to win a case! Therefore, if your junk debt collector claims to
have the original credit card statements, don’t give up too easily. Remember,
the older the credit card debt is, the harder to prove its ownership. Even of a
debt is only a few years old, junk debt buyers will still have to prove that
they can legally collect that debt.
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