In most cases, debtors who are defending themselves in court have no idea if a certain defense against credit card lawsuit will work in his favor or against it. You'd be surprised at some of the defenses that these debtors think will help their case when in fact, they tend to backfire on them. In this article, we will discuss some of the worst defense against credit card lawsuit often used in card debt trials to avoid making the same mistake.
"I tried to settle the account but you wouldn't cooperate"
This is probably the worst defense against credit card lawsuit ever simply because it suggests that YOU DO have an account with them. After all, no one will pay for something they do not own, right? The fact is, the court will not arrange the payment deal but will determine if you do own the debt and then the amount of money you owe. Using this defense against card lawsuit is practically admitting that you own the debt and you did not pay for it on time.
"I already hired a debt settlement company to solve this"
This is the second worst defense against card lawsuit commonly used by debtors who are fighting off debt claims in court. This defense is useless because creditors, junk debt buyers, or collection agencies do not accept any payment other than in full, once you are in default therefore; this is the last defense you want to use to defend yourself in court!
"I don't have to pay according to my divorce decree"
This defense against credit card lawsuit is mixing one entirely different thing for another. Note that a divorce decree is issued by a family court while card debt is in civil court. The card debt suit is not bound by the divorce decree and when your card company sues you, not even your divorce decree could stop your creditor from moving on with the lawsuit. Think things thoroughly before you use this as a defense against credit card lawsuit.
Finding the right defense against credit card lawsuit is not as hard as you think as long as you make all necessary efforts to build your case and learn how to make the right arguments in court. Representing yourself in court Pro Se is not as intimidating as you think as long as you are one step ahead of your creditor. It all start with getting the right information. This means, laying out the ground work. Click here to know more.
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