Monday, 23 April 2012
Credit Card Lawsuit: Do Junk Debt Buyers Have Authority To File A Lawsuit Against Debtors?
Credit card debt in the US and Canada has reached the $110 in 2006, leaving thousands of delinquent debtors to deal with credit card lawsuit from their respective creditors. Now, for many debtors who are being sued by junk debt buyers, you are lucky. Generally, junk debt buyers do not possess the necessary documents needed to prove that the delinquent debtor who is the subject of the credit card lawsuit owns a certain account. The court will require more substantial evidence other than old statements, perhaps, an original copy of the agreement from the original creditor.
Because junk debt buyers do not have access to these documents, they will find it difficult to prove the debt's ownership and often, if you answer the summons and demand that they prove the debt is yours, they just might drop the credit card lawsuit altogether.
Usually, junk debt buyers have a large portfolio of debt contracts and the necessary documents they need to launch a full-scale credit card lawsuit will not be released so the chance of them winning the case in court is slim unless the debtor ignored the summons. If the debtor ignored the summons, the junk debt buyer get a default judgment ruling and may satisfy the debt in a number of ways like getting the money straight from the debtor's bank account, putting lien on the debtor's properties or garnishing his or her wages.
If you ignore the lawsuit, the plaintiff or the junk debt buyer don't have to prove that you owe the money at all. This gives them the edge they need to win the lawsuit via default judgment. Once they win the case, they can not only garnish your wages, they could also gain access to your bank account and empty your savings to satisfy the card debt.
So responding to a summons is a critical step towards defending yourself in court. If you are worried about not being able to afford a lawyer for the credit card lawsuit, there is a way to defend yourself in court correctly, using a guide to help you win your case. You should always consult with a debt attorney to defend yourself effectively. The key is to not let your creditors win the case by simply ignoring the credit card lawsuit because this is precisely what they expect. It's best to check local court rules to determine whether or not you have to file an Answer to summons and complaints right away. To learn more about defending yourself against credit card lawsuit Pro Se, click here.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Avoiding Credit Card Lawsuit With Debt Negotiations
If your creditor is on the verge of filing a credit card lawsuit against you and you do not want to take the case all the way to court, you can save yourself and the other party all the trouble by simply negotiating debt settlement. Debt negotiation is one of the easiest way to get out of debt. However, there are also certain risks involved when negotiating with creditors and these risks will only lead to more problems if you are not careful. Some creditor will try to scam delinquent debtors to squeeze as much money as they can from the negotiation and will often use the credit card lawsuit as a bait.
In this article, we will discuss tips on how to successfully negotiate with your creditor and avoid credit card lawsuit.
Junk Debt Buyers
Dealing with a junk debt buyer is more complicated as opposed to dealing with original creditors because the former will do what they can to take advantage of the situation. In fact, cases wherein debtors paid money for debt negotiation that never took place! So the unknowing debtor thought all's well with the case when all the while, his or her account was accumulating penalties without her knowledge. So when negotiating a deal with junk debt buyers, make sure everything is done in writing.
Debt Negotiator
Many debtors tend to not ask all the right questions when they are dealing with a company hired by the creditor to conduct the debt negotiation. Always ask questions when things are unclear to you and make sure you let the negotiator know that you are paying attention to the stuff he or she says. In addition, make sure you are always updated on the progress of the negotiation.
Original Creditor
It is within your rights to negotiate a settlement deal with your creditor in order to avoid credit card lawsuit. Unless you need assistance, there is no need for a third party negotiator. If you can hire an attorney to negotiate the deal for you, do so. Lawyers are well versed in negotiations and are bound by an ethical code of conduct. However, if you chose to do things on your own or through a third party negotiator, just make sure you play an active role and get everything done in writing. You cannot expect eve your original creditor to stick by what they say and not go on with the credit card lawsuit.
Monday, 16 April 2012
Sued By Credit Card Company: What Your Creditor Won't Tell You
It might be scary to think about going head to head with your creditor when you are sued by your credit card but the fact is, collection attorneys and junk debt buyers can't really afford to litigate. Of course, they won't tell you this. They will subject you to a series of phone calls, hound your friends, neighbors and in some cases, your employer, to get you to pay for the money you allegedly owe. But that's basically all they do, they'll try to get you to pay, hope you don't know your rights and hand over the money.

Collection companies and junk debt buyers tend to send out numerous summonses to all accounts they handle hoping that the delinquent debtors will not respond to these summons. They rely on debtors' guilt over these unpaid debts and if you send them a proper response to the summons, they'll think twice before they actually take the case to court.
If you found out that you are sued by your credit card company for unpaid debt, don't be too quick to hand them your money. If you can, try to a great settlement deal that works for both parties. On the other hand, if your creditor won't cooperate and pursued the case, it's time to find the right materials that will help you overcome this situation. It all starts with knowing your local court rules and finding out facts about the process of being sued by your credit card company. There are many things to consider once you are sued by credit card so you as many relevant information as you can.
Get all the answers you need from how to construct an appropriate Answer to defending yourself Pro Se in court today and do away with expensive legal costs. It all starts with getting relevant information you need to win your case and being one step ahead of your creditor.
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Fighting Credit Card Lawsuit, Winning Your Case
Facing a credit card lawsuit? You are not alone. Thousands of credit card lawsuits are filed and set out on a daily basis by junk debt buyers and collection agencies in hopes of getting more from charged off accounts they purchases pennies on the dollar on. The good news is, a lawsuit is easier to beat than you think. It's just a matter of setting aside your fears and knowing what steps you need to take in order to face the court and the creditor to defend yourself.
The fact is, many card companies and banks do not operate according to federal laws and are instead, operated by presidential decree signed in 1913 by President Wilson. It's important to check local court to learn what you can and what you cannot do when defending yourself in court. In a credit card lawsuit, it all starts with crafting a correct Answer in the right legal format. Sometimes, responding to a summons will help you avoid the lawsuit altogether.
An incorrectly formatted Answer will be rejected by the court so it is imperative that you learn the right format before you actually draft an Answer. From the Answer, you can demand evidence that the alleged debt is yours. In this case, your creditor will probably present old card statements. These statements will not hold relevance to the case and you can counter that with a second letter letting them know that they do not meet the burden of proof and again, demand evidence of actual damages.
The creditor is given 30 days to respond to the second letter and in most cases, will ignore the demand altogether. From there, you can send them a third letter letting them know that they have not provided any evidence that proves you own the debt in the lawsuit. You can say that any further communications from them will be considered as harassment and if they do not stop, you will take legal action against them. This is enough for the creditor to suspend any collection efforts they have in place under that account, the collector will either pursue the credit card lawsuit or sell the lawsuit to another collection agency, and the entire process will begin again.
If you are facing a credit card lawsuit, set aside fears and start taking action. You need to get as much information as you can about defending yourself against debt claims the right way in order to win the credit card lawsuit.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Sued by Credit Card Company: Shooting for Debt Settlement
Thousands of Americans are being sued by their credit card company because of unpaid debts. In fact, almost 50% of Americans owe an excess of $10,000 in cards debts. No wonder, more and more people are looking for ways to settle the debt rather by be sued by their credit card company. If you are sued by your credit card company and you see a window of opportunity to settle the debt out of court, do so. Most creditors would rather settle out of court rather than see through the trial until the very end.
Here are a few tips that will help you settle the debt and avoid being sued by a credit card company:
As tempting as it would be to go grab your card and go on a shopping spree, don't. There's no need to cut off the card because this will have adverse effects on your credit report. However, use the card only when it is absolutely necessary. At this point, you are better off using cash when you shop rather than swipe that plastic.
Make a Debt List
When you are able to manage your expenses and were able to restrain yourself from accumulating more debt, you need to know exactly how much money you need to pay. You need to list down all your debts including the interest charge, and monthly payments. This will give you an idea which debt you need to repay first. Experts' opinion on which debt should be paid first (the one with higher interest charge or lower interest charge) but this decision is entirely up to you. Being on top of all your financial responsibilities is a must.
Call Your CC Company
Once you made your calculations, contact your creditor and instigate a debt settlement negotiation. Give them an idea how much you can afford to pay. Remember, debt settlement is almost always 50% less of the original debt amount so shoot for this figure. Of course, you need to call someone who has the authority to negotiate or make a decision to work with you. This will help you resolve the problems faster and avoid being sued by your credit card company.
Having problems with unpaid debts with the possibility of a credit card lawsuit can be quite tough especially in this economy. So don't wait until you get sued by your credit card company and take action. Prevent a lawsuit from happening by showing your willingness to repay the money you owe or at the very least, work out a payment plan in installment basis.
For more information on how you can defend yourself against all debt claims without hiring a lawyer, click here.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Got Served a Summons for Credit Card Debt? Don't Call Your Creditor Just Yet!
Receiving a summons for credit card debt is definitely a stressful situation and often times; it leaves debtors in confusion as to what steps they need to take to resolve the problem. Unfortunately, many will try to contact the collection agent or collection attorney and try to work out a payment plan or a settlement agreement.
This is wrong; you should never call the collection agent once you received the summons for credit card debt because that person represents the company that is suing you. Any or all communication should be restricted to written correspondence only.
Instead of contacting your creditor, you need to prepare an Answer for the summons for credit card debt and start building your defense for the case. At the point where you received the summons for credit card debt, it's too late to go and promise to pay a certain amount of money per month. You are at the point where you need to take action, face the music head on and defend yourself.
Because collection agents and junk debt buyers cannot be trusted, you cannot expect them to say yes to any promises you make. It's true that you can negotiate a better deal and avoid facing the court but dealing with junk debt buyers and collection agents are very tricky because without your knowledge, they could be in the process of searching for your bank account or putting a lien on your property while you negotiate so better be safe than sorry.
Dealing with a possible lawsuit can be quite intimidating but put your fears aside and check your local court rules. Learn if the lawsuit is brought on an out of statute debt and see if your account has been re-aged to make it fall within your state's statutes. Dig up old credit card and bank statements and compare them with the DOLA or the Date of Last Activity on your credit report.
Know that it is extremely rare for a debtor to be sued for the actual amount of cash they owe. With penalty charges, interest fees and all, the debt could easily exceed the actual debt amount so don't readily hand your cash to your creditor and let them get away with it. Make them prove their case! In most cases, junk debt buyers and collection agents cannot prove ownership of the debt in question because they do not have access to documents from old, charged off accounts. Click here to learn more.
Mistakes to Avoid When Being Sued by Credit Card Company

If you are one of the thousands of debtors being sued by a credit card company for unpaid debts, it's important to remember what you should NOT do when you are dealing with your creditor in court. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common mistakes debtors make when being sued by a credit card company:
Ignoring The Summons
Ignoring your problems will not make them go away and ignoring court-ordered notices will certainly prove to be one of the most expensive mistakes you will ever make. Junk debt buyers and collection agencies expect delinquent debtors to not respond to the summons and ignore the problem until they receive a default judgment by the court for the lack of response from the defendant (that's you). This will give them the right to access your banking, employment and personal information, freeze your savings, garnish your debts or even put liens on your assets. So when being sued by your credit card company, make sure to respond accordingly within the given period by the court.
Not Monitoring Your Credit
Many creditors will try not to use the Sherriff to serve the summons and instead, will use a special process server so the debtor will either not receive the summons at all or won't have enough time to answer the summons. Other creditors will sit on the judgment and wait for years to execute on it through a surprise wage attachment. For this reason, it is important to keep an eye on your credit to prevent any of these from happening.
Not Familiarizing Yourself with Local Court Rules
Note that different courts across the country have different guidelines and procedures. Regardless if you plan on hiring an attorney or defending yourself Pro Se, you need to check with local court rules. One of the most important court rules when being sued by credit card company is to determine how much time you are given to answer the summons (20 days in most states). This information is something that many creditors will conveniently left out so to be on the safe side, always check with court rules in your state when being sued by credit card company.
Are you being sued by your credit card company for unpaid debts? If you are one of the thousands of Americans facing credit card lawsuit, it's important to get informed to build your case, defend yourself in court and win your case. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to defend yourself Pro Se. Click here to learn more.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Debt Collection Laws: The Hearsay Evidence Rule
Junk debt buyers or collection bureaus will have a hard time pinning a certain debt to a delinquent credit card account owner simply because they do not have access to documents that are vital to the case, like the original signed agreement.
Instead, they rely on a debtor's ignorance of debt collection laws and get a default judgment that allows them to legally access a debtor's bank employment and personal information. Once the court rules a default judgment against you, your creditor may put a lien on your assets, access and empty your bank savings and garnish your wages. This is the reason why familiarizing yourself with your local debt collection laws is important.

Not really. The hearsay evidence rule will apply and no evidence of statements, oral or written, can be made by an out of court witness and offered to provide the truth of the matter in dispute.
The fact is, junk debt buyers, collection agencies, etc. have thousands of respective accounts. They don't even know how much to sue you for unless someone tells them. That someone is the original creditor. Unfortunately, that is as much information as they can get from the original creditor so it is up to them to prove that indeed, you own the debt in dispute.
Now, if you are familiar with debt collection laws in your state, you know that the debt buyer's damages are essential elements for every claim. The damages refer to the amount of the debt they allegedly purchased and failed to collect even if they only paid pennies on the dollar. To prove their case, they will present old credit card statements that indicate how much money you owe.
This is where the hearsay evidence rule applies. One cannot present billing statement in court because it is regarded as documents made by an out of court witness that offered to prove the truth of the matter in dispute. Therefore, monthly credit card statements presented in court are nothing more than pure hearsay and inadmissible evidence.
With no damages, there's no case and if there's no case you win the lawsuit. In order to effectively defend yourself against credit card lawsuit, you need to learn more about debt collection laws in your local area. Click here to learn how to fight against all debt claims and win your case without hiring an attorney!
The Worst Defense Against Credit Card Lawsuit

In most cases, debtors who are defending themselves in court have no idea if a certain defense against credit card lawsuit will work in his favor or against it. You'd be surprised at some of the defenses that these debtors think will help their case when in fact, they tend to backfire on them. In this article, we will discuss some of the worst defense against credit card lawsuit often used in card debt trials to avoid making the same mistake.
"I tried to settle the account but you wouldn't cooperate"
This is probably the worst defense against credit card lawsuit ever simply because it suggests that YOU DO have an account with them. After all, no one will pay for something they do not own, right? The fact is, the court will not arrange the payment deal but will determine if you do own the debt and then the amount of money you owe. Using this defense against card lawsuit is practically admitting that you own the debt and you did not pay for it on time.
"I already hired a debt settlement company to solve this"
This is the second worst defense against card lawsuit commonly used by debtors who are fighting off debt claims in court. This defense is useless because creditors, junk debt buyers, or collection agencies do not accept any payment other than in full, once you are in default therefore; this is the last defense you want to use to defend yourself in court!
"I don't have to pay according to my divorce decree"
This defense against credit card lawsuit is mixing one entirely different thing for another. Note that a divorce decree is issued by a family court while card debt is in civil court. The card debt suit is not bound by the divorce decree and when your card company sues you, not even your divorce decree could stop your creditor from moving on with the lawsuit. Think things thoroughly before you use this as a defense against credit card lawsuit.
Finding the right defense against credit card lawsuit is not as hard as you think as long as you make all necessary efforts to build your case and learn how to make the right arguments in court. Representing yourself in court Pro Se is not as intimidating as you think as long as you are one step ahead of your creditor. It all start with getting the right information. This means, laying out the ground work. Click here to know more.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Debt Collection Laws: Re-Aged Credit Card Debts
Sued by your credit card company for unpaid debt? Whether or not you choose to hire a lawyer to represent you in court, you need to familiarize yourself with debt collection laws in your state. One such debt collection laws to check out is the statute of limitations on debt. You will need to get your credit reports from all three credit reporting bureaus because your credit report will state the DOLA or date of last payment. Compare all three reports to see if all information is accurate.
If you feel that certain data is incorrect, you need to cross check with your bank statements, which you can request from your bank, and search for the alleged payment. If things don't add up, it's possible that your account has been re-aged by your creditor.
Re-Aging CC Debts: What is the concept behind this practice?

For the debtors, re-aging an account is a double whammy because 1) it will appear that the debt is within the statute and 2) the debt will stay on their credit report longer than it should and this will damage the credit score.
If you are reviewing the debt collection laws in your area, you will know that out of statute debts cannot be collected. If you found that your account has been re-aged, you need to list this one as your number one Affirmative Defense in the Answer document. Don't forget to make copies of the proof with the DOLA highlighted and bring these evidence to court if the lawsuit pushes through.
If, on the other hand, your account is within the statute but the account has been re-aged, you will also need documented proof of the evidence and bring it to court.
Proving that your account has been re-aged is a powerful defense especially in case of arbitration. But you can only do so if you know how to prove the conflicted dates through your credit reports, bank statements, etc. If the court agrees that there is conflict with the account, the plaintiff cannot expect an easy win through default judgment.Learn how you can beat all debt claims without hiring an attorney by getting access to this revolutionary product here.
Debt Collection Laws: Statue of Limitations Explained
Many debtors facing credit card debt lawsuits are largely unfamiliar with debt collection laws in their state, which is unfortunate since one can build his or her defense and quite possibly, win the lawsuit if he or she takes time to review their states' local debt collection laws.
One such debt collection laws include the Statute of Limitations. Statute of limitations refers to the period where a debtor cannot be sued for a certain debt because it is time-barred. The statute clock starts ticking from the DOLA or the date of the last payment on the account. The DOLA could be a partial payment, or any payments made to the original creditor, a collection agency, etc.
For example, say, you made your last payment on a credit card in June 2004 and the statute of limitations on open-ended credit card accounts in your state is six years. This means that your debt will be out of statutes by June of 2010.

For many debt collecting agencies, the minor details are often overlooked and very few debtors take a chance to review debt collection laws to defend themselves. Note that each state has their own statutes on debts and to know more about statute of limitations in your state, you can reach your State's Attorney General's office and know more. A simple search online is also a great way to obtain all the information you need about debt collection laws.
So in order to increase the chances of the credit card lawsuit being dropped by your creditor, make sure you educate yourself about the kind of legal process that will take place once the lawsuit reaches the court. This is important even if you have no plans to represent yourself Pro Se. Being informed about how things will play out in court will help you be two steps ahead of your creditor and get them to think twice about letting the case reach the court instead of settling the debt out of court.
Learn how you can beat all debt claims without hiring an attorney by getting access to this revolutionary product here.
Monday, 2 April 2012
How to Fight a Credit Card Lawsuit: Answer your Request for Admissions

Many debtors who are facing possible lawsuits from their
creditors tend to ignore the importance of creating an Answer to Request for
Admissions, which is given to you by the plaintiff. So should you? The answer
is a resounding yes.
Always check your local court rules under Discovery or the
local court rules for Admissions, Interrogatories, and Production of Documents,
all of which are labeled separately. Your local court rules will provide
information on how to fight a credit card lawsuit properly. In some states,
every single Request for Admission is DEEMED ADMITTED unless the defendant
creates an Answer to these allegations by filing a Written Answer or Objection
to the court.
The lawyer who sent you the Admissions should tell you how
many days you have before you send the necessary documents but some will
conveniently leave out this fact so better do your own research or you might
miss this chance to answer all allegations against, you.
On the other hand, if you ignore the Request for Admissions
and failed to provide an answer to the opposing attorney, he or she will file a
Motion to have these Admissions deemed admitted per your local Court rule. Essentially,
the court and the plaintiff will take it that you admit to owing them money,
you admit that you own the credit card and you admit that you did not pay your
Simply put, failure to file an Answer means you are letting
your creditor win their case! If the plaintiff files a motion to that
Admissions Deemed Admitted, you will lose the case and pay the debt in
question, plus interest, penalty charges and your creditor's legal fees!
Learn the secrets in ending all debt claims in court without even hiring an attorney! Click here for more information.
Important Facts to Remember When Faced with Credit Card Lawsuit

All charge off accounts will be turned over to a debt
portfolio where it may be sold to a third party collection agency, known as
junk debt buyers. If your account has been sold to a junk debt buyer and you
have been served a summons, do not panic since most junk debt buyers do not
have access to original documents that tie a person to the debt in question,
Some debtors usually ignore the summons and this is where
the lengthy, not to mention, costly, legal battle begins. However, there is a
way to get around this problem. If you are facing credit card lawsuit for
unpaid debts, it’s important to respond to the complaints right away. You may
check your local court rules to see the given timeframe to file an Answer to
the complaint.
Junk debt buyers are
ruthless when it comes to collecting debts. Know that they paid pennies on
the dollar for each account so they are likely to rake thousands of dollars in
return. From the summons and accompanying documents, you will see the amount of
money you owe, plus interest and penalty charges. If you ignore the summons,
you will not only pay for all these charges, you will also pay for the junk
debt buyer’s legal fees! Unfortunately, because most junk debt buyers are
connected with most collection attorney across the country, they have the
ability to track you wherever you live.
But consider yourself lucky if a junk debt buyer is filing a
credit card lawsuit against you rather than your original creditor because the
latter have all incriminating evidences that will pin you to the debt. Junk
debt buyers do not have this luxury, when a creditor closed the book on a
certain account, even the junk debt buyer who purchased it cannot access the
This makes it very difficult for junk debt buyers to prove that the debt in question is yours so what they hope for is a default judgment. If you ignore the summons, the court will award a default judgment to the junk debt buyer and on top of creditors having legal access to your bank account or garnishing your wages, you pay for everything including their legal fees.
Learn the secrets in ending all debt claims in court without even hiring an attorney! Click here for more information.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Credit Card Lawsuit: Knowing The Two Kinds of Plaintiff
When it comes to a credit card lawsuit, the plaintiff could
either be the original credit card company, a junk debt buyer or a collection
agency. Many debtors tend to panic when they are handed with a summons from
unpaid CC balance because going head to head with a creditor in court is really
a challenging situation to be in. However, the key to beating any type of
plaintiffs is to craft the correct Answer to the summons.
Statistically, most original creditors do not sue their
consumers and instead, sell old, charged off accounts to junk debt buyers who
target seemingly weak debtors who looked like they will just ignore the
summons. Junk debt buyers rely on this and expect an easy win by being awarded
a default judgment.

On the other hand, if a debtor responds to the credit card
lawsuit and demands original documents to validate the debt, most junk debt
buyers will not pursue the case and instead, will move on to less informed
Original creditors will have an equally hard time going
after a debtor because all operations are computerized and most of them do not
keep paper records. With no employees with personal knowledge on individual
debtor accounts to swear in an affidavit for a credit card lawsuit, proving the
debt’s ownership is not as easy so there is a slim chance of getting a default
When they hire a collection attorney to handle the case, the
more expensive the credit card lawsuit becomes. What’s more, collection
attorneys are not paid unless they win the case. Original creditors who won the
credit card lawsuit will have to pay 30% of the money collected to the
collection attorney so original creditors would rather cut their losses and
sell the accounts rather than seeing through until the end of the credit card
lawsuit and getting so little from it.
If a junk debt buyer is the one suing you for the credit card debt and not the original creditor, then you are in luck because most junk debt
buyers do not have access to relevant documents that could pin the debt under
your name.
Learn how to beat a credit card lawsuit by getting insider scoop on how to handle all debt claims without even hiring an attorney by clicking here.
How to Beat a Credit Card Lawsuit

The fact is, most junk debt buyers or collection agencies
release multiple summons and complaints to all accounts they have under them
hoping that none of them will respond. More than 96% of debt related lawsuit
end in default judgment, your creditor assumes your case won’t be any
different. If you respond to the summons and complaints, it gives the clear
message that you understand the complaint, you know your rights and you are not
afraid to fight for yourself in court. Something as simple as filing a Notice
of Appearance, Answer, and Certificate of Service are enough for many creditors
to drop the lawsuit and move on to less informed debtors.
So first things first, you need to dedicate some time
researching on how to file the necessary documents is the first step you need
to take when learning how to beat a credit card lawsuit. Make sure all
documents are filed in court within the allowable period. Failure to present
these documents on time will cause your creditor brownie points from the court
and risk the chances of them being awarded with default judgment against you.
Default judgment will give the creditor legal rights to
access your banking, employment and personal records, freeze your account and
garnish your wages. On top of all these, your credit will be ruined for a
minimum of seven years! So it takes a little effort on your part to avoid
things from getting bad to worse. Fight back, you got nothing to lose and
everything to gain!
Find out how to beat a credit card lawsuit using effective,
proven strategies. Additionally, you need to exhaust efforts trying to find the
right information to guide you through this ordeal. This can be done by
researching for great strategies, checking your state’s local court rules to
determine what you can and what you cannot do during the legal proceedings,
purchase an eBook that can help you fight against the lawsuit Pro Se, or
consult a lawyer.
Get insider scoop on how to beat a credit card lawsuit without hiring an attorney by clicking here.
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